NAMI Fox Valley has partnered with three organizations to bring you relevant information on current “hot topics” in the mental health world. 

All presentations will be held via Zoom from 11am-12pm on the respective dates. Each presentation must be registered for separately. More detailed information on the presentations and the links to register can be found by clicking the presentation titles below.

While we hope that you can join us live, each presentation will also be recorded and sent to registrants at a later date to accommodate schedules that don’t allow for live attendance.

Questions? Contact Megan Zimmerman, NAMI Fox Valley’s Outreach Program Director, at

Wednesday, May 3 | 11am to 12pm via Zoom
In this presentation, attendees will learn about specific mental health challenges that face those in the LGBTQ+ community and explore available resources.
Presented by: Keira Kowal Jett, Community Education and Outreach Coordinator at Diverse & Resilient
Register Here
How We Can Help Support Healthy Views of Self Amongst Youth
Wednesday, May 10 | 11am to 12pm via Zoom
This presentation will discuss themes of body image and self-esteem and how they impact youth mental health. Taking that information, we will explore ways to support youth in developing a healthy body image and positive self-esteem.
Presented by: Carmen Meuret, MSW, LCSW; Mental Health Therapist at Catalpa Health
Register Here
Wednesday, May 31 | 11am to 12pm via Zoom
In this presentation, we will talk about the creation of Wisconsin Lifeline, the implementation of 988 in Wisconsin and how things have been going in the first year. We’ll also talk about some of the priorities coming for 988, as well as have time for the questions you have about 988 and Wisconsin Lifeline.
Presented by: Shelly Missal, Wisconsin Lifeline Program Manager at Family Services
Register Here